Altar Guild

One of the important worship ministries at Holy Trinity, currently led by Mrs. Denise Cluelow, is the Altar Guild. Sixteen men and women of the parish give of their time and efforts to make sure that worship on Sundays, during Holy Days, at Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals are to the highest standards to honor our Lord’s worship. Working in four (4) teams, the schedule week begins on Saturdays and ends on Fridays.  The Altar Guild has been blessed with abundance.  In addition to good supplies of altar linens, Holy Trinity has been gifted with white, green, purple, blue, and rose altar paraments and also a separate set for Christmas. In addition, the Altar Guild is well provided for in silver, brass, and clay worship vessels.

Holy Trinity’s Altar

Easter Service
Flowering Cross


of the Cross

Holy Trinity’s Altar Christmas Service 

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